B u i l d Y o u r s e l f & H e l p O t h e r s

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Computer Science and Engineering বিভাগের (স্নাতক) কোর্স কারিকুলাম অনুসারে সকল সেমিস্টারের একাডেমিক প্রায় সব ধরণের রিসোর্স এখানে পাবেন। যেমনঃ কোর্স ডিটেইলস, কোর্স কারিকুলাম, সিলেবাস, বই (PDF), লেকচার স্লাইড, বিগত বছরের প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান, ক্লাস নোট, সাজেশন এবং আরও প্রয়োজনীয় বিভিন্ন রিসোর্স।

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1st Semester

 Total Courses:  10
 Major Courses:  2 Theoretical + 2 Lab = 4
 Non-Major Courses:  3 Theoretical + 3 Lab = 6
 Total Credits:  21.0

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Introduction to Computer Systems  CSE-1101  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 2. Introduction to Computer Systems Lab  CSE-1102  0.75 Credit, 30 Hours
 3. Programming Fundamentals  CSE-1103  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 4. Programming Fundamentals Lab  CSE-1104  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 5. Physics  PHY-1105  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 6. Physics Lab  PHY-1106  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 7. Chemistry  CHEM-1107  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 8. Chemistry Lab  CHEM-1108  0.75 Credit, 45 Hours
 9. Differential Calculus and Co-ordinate Geometry  MATH-1109  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 10. English Communication Skills Lab  ENG-1110  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours

2nd Semester

 Total Courses:  10
 Major Courses:  2 Theoretical + 2 Lab = 4
 Non-Major Courses:  4 Theoretical + 2 Lab = 6
 Total Credits:  21.75

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Data Structures  CSE-1201  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 2. Data Structures Lab  CSE-1202  0.75 Credit, 30 Hours
 3. Discrete Mathematics  CSE-1203  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 4. Discrete Mathematics Lab  CSE-1204  0.75 Credit, 30 Hours
 5. Introduction to Electrical Engineering  EEE-1205  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 6. Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab  EEE-1206  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 7. Basic Mechanical Engineering  EEE-1207  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 8. Engineering Drawing  EEE-1208  0.75 Credit, 30 Hours
 9. Integral Calculus, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, and Series Solutions  MATH-1209  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 10. Statistics and Probability  STAT-1211  3 Credit, 45 Hours

3rd Semester 

 Total Courses:  9
 Major Courses:  3 Theoretical + 3 Lab = 6
 Non-Major Courses:  2 Theoretical + 1 Lab = 3
 Total Credits:  21.0

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Database Management Systems   CSE-2101  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 2. Database Management Systems Lab  CSE-2102  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 3. Digital Logic Design  CSE-2103  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 4. Digital Logic Design Lab  CSE-2104  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 5. Electronic Devices and Circuits  EEE-2105  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 6. Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab  EEE-2106  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 7. Object Oriented Programming  CSE-2107  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 8. Object Oriented Programming Lab  CSE-2108  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 9. Complex Variable and Matrices  MATH-2109  3 Credit, 45 Hours

4th Semester

 Total Courses:  8
 Major Courses:  4 Theoretical + 3 Lab = 7
 Non-Major Courses:  1 Theoretical + 0 Lab = 1
 Total Credits:  21.0

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Design and Analysis of Algorithms  CSE-2201  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 2. Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab  CSE-2202  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 3. Computer Architecture and Organization  CSE-2203  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 4. Data Communication  CSE-2205  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 5. Operating System  CSE-2207  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 6. Operating System Lab  CSE-2208  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 7. Web Engineering Lab  CSE-2210  3 Credit, 90 Hours
 8. Vectors, Fourier Analysis, and Laplace Transforms  MATH-2211  3 Credit, 45 Hours

5th Semester

 Total Courses:  10
 Major Courses:  5 Theoretical + 3 Lab = 8
 Non-Major Courses:  2 Theoretical + 0 Lab = 2
 Total Credits:  *

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers  CSE-3301  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 2. Assembly Language, Microprocessors, and Microcontrollers Lab  CSE-3302  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 3. Software Engineering and Information System Design  CSE-3303  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 4. Software Engineering and Information System Design Lab  CSE-3304  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 5. Computer Networks  CSE-3305  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 6. Computer Networks Lab  CSE-3306  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 7. Numerical Methods  CSE-3307  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 8. Financial and Managerial Accounting  HUM-3109  2 Credit, 30 Hours
 9. Economics  HUM-3209  2 Credit, 30 Hours
 10. Technical Writing and Presentation  CSE-3114  1 Credit, 30 Hours

6th Semester

 Total Courses:  9
 Major Courses:  * Theoretical + * Lab = *
 Non-Major Courses:  * Theoretical + * Lab = *
 Total Credits:  *

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Mathematical Analysis for Computer Science  CSE-3201  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 2. Theory of Computation  CSE-3203  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 3. Artificial Intelligence  CSE-3205  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 4. Artificial Intelligence Lab  CSE-3206  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 5. Peripherals and Interfacing  CSE-3207  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 6. Peripherals and Interfacing Lab  CSE-3208  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 7. Simulation and Modeling  CSE-3209  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 8. Simulation and Modeling Lab  CSE-3210  0.75 Credit, 30 Hours
 9. Mobile Application Development Lab  CSE-3212  1.5 Credit, 30 Hours

7th Semester

 Total Courses:  7
 Major Courses:  * Theoretical + * Lab = *
 Non-Major Courses:  * Theoretical + * Lab = *
 Total Credits:  *

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Compiler Design and Construction  CSE-4103  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 2. Compiler Design and Construction Lab  CSE-4104  0.75 Credit, 22.5 Hours
 3. System Programming  CSE-4105  2.0 Credit, 30 Hours
 4. System Programming Lab  CSE-4106  1.5 Credit, 45 Hours
 5. Computer Graphics  CSE-4109  3.0 Credit, 45 Hours
 6. Computer Graphics Lab  CSE-4110  0.75 Credit, 22.5 Hours
 7. Professional Ethics and Industrial Management  HUM-3211  3.0 Credit, 45 Hours

8th Semester

 Total Courses:  *
 Major Courses:  * Theoretical + * Lab = *
 Non-Major Courses:  * Theoretical + * Lab = *
 Total Credits:  *

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Digital Image Processing  CSE-4201  3 Credit, 45 Hours
 2. Project and Thesis  CSE-4202  6 Credit, * Hours

Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
 1. Distributed Systems  CSE-1101  * Credit, * Hours
 2. Distributed Systems Lab   CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 3. Cryptography and Network Security  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 4. Cryptography and Network Security Lab  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 5. Basic Multimedia Theory  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 6.  Multimedia Lab.  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 7. Algorithm Engineering  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 8. Algorithm Engineering Lab.  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 9. Computational Geometry  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 10. Computational Geometry Lab.  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 11. Machine Learning  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 12. Machine Learning Lab.   CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 13. Pattern Recognition  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 14. Pattern Recognition Lab.  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 15. VLSI Design  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 16. VLSI Design Lab.  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 17. Wireless Networks  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 18. Wireless Networks Lab.  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 19. Optical Fiber Communication  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 20. Optical Fiber Communication Lab.  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 21. Human Computer Interaction  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 22. Human Computer Interaction Lab.  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 23. English Communication Skills Lab  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours
 24. English Communication Skills Lab  CSE-11  * Credit, * Hours

For Any University:

এখানে ১ম থেকে ফাইনাল পর্যন্ত সকল সেমিস্টারের সবগুলো কোর্স টপিক অনুসারে আলাদাভাবে ভাগ করা আছে। যা যেকোনো ভার্সিটির ক্ষেত্রে গ্রহণযোগ্য।

এসব কোর্সের উপর ক্লিক করলে (কোর্স ডিটেইলস, কোর্স কারিকুলাম, সিলেবাস, বই (PDF), লেকচার স্লাইড, বিগত বছরের প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান, ক্লাস নোট, সাজেশন এবং আরও প্রয়োজনীয় বিভিন্ন রিসোর্স) পাবেন।

Click over the title of which courses you want:

Core Computer Science Related

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

Computer Fundamental
 1. Introduction to Computer Systems
 2. Introduction to Computer Systems Lab

 1. Programming Fundamentals
 2. Programming Fundamentals Lab
 3. Object Oriented Programming
 4. Object Oriented Programming Lab
 5. System Programming
 6. System Programming Lab

Data Structure and Algorithm
 1. Data Structures
 2. Data Structures Lab
 3. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
 4. Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
 5. Algorithm Engineering (Optional)
 6. Algorithm Engineering Lab. (Optional)

 1. Database Management Systems
 2. Database Management Systems Lab

Project and Thesis
 1. Project and Thesis

 1. Computer Architecture and Organization
 2. Data Communication
 3. Operating Systems
 4. Operating Systems Lab
 5. Web Engineering Lab
 6. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
 7. Assembly Language, Microprocessors, and Microcontrollers Lab
 8. Software Engineering and Information System Design
 9. Software Engineering and Information System Design Lab
 10. Computer Networks
 11. Computer Networks Lab 
 12. Artificial Intelligence
 13. Artificial Intelligence Lab 
 14. Peripherals and Interfacing
 15. Peripherals and Interfacing Lab
 16. Simulation and Modeling
 17. Simulation and Modeling Lab 
 18. Mobile Application Development Lab
 19. Theory of Computation
 20. Numerical Methods
 21. Compiler Design and Construction
 22. Compiler Design and Construction Lab
 23. Computer Graphics
 24. Computer Graphics Lab
 25. Digital Image Processing
 26. Distributed Systems (Optional)
 27. Distributed Systems Lab. (Optional)
 28. Cryptography and Network Security (Optional)
 29. Cryptography and Network Security Lab. (Optional)
 30. Basic Multimedia Theory (Optional)
 31. Multimedia Lab. (Optional)
 32. Computational Geometry (Optional)
 33. Computational Geometry Lab. (Optional)
 34. Machine Learning (Optional)
 35. Machine Learning Lab. (Optional)
 36. Pattern Recognition (Optional)
 37. Pattern Recognition Lab. (Optional)
 38. VLSI Design (Optional)
 39. VLSI Design Lab. (Optional)
 40. Wireless Networks (Optional)
 41. Wireless Networks Lab. (Optional)
 42. Optical Fiber Communication (Optional)
 43. Optical Fiber Communication Lab. (Optional)
 44. Human Computer Interaction (Optional)
 45. Human Computer Interaction Lab. (Optional)
 46. Technical Writing and Presentation

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Discrete Mathematics
 1. Discrete Mathematics Lab
 1. Differential Calculus and Co-ordinate Geometry
 1. Integral Calculus, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, and Series Solutions
 1. Complex Variable and Matrices
 1. Vectors, Fourier Analysis, and Laplace Transforms
 1. Mathematical Analysis for Computer Science

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Introduction to Electrical Engineering
 1. Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab
 1. Digital Logic Design
 1. Digital Logic Design Lab
 1. Electronics Devices and Circuits
 1. Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Basic Mechanical Engineering

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Engineering Drawing

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. English Communication Skills Lab

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Physics
 1. Physics Lab

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Chemistry
 1. Chemistry Lab

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Statistics and Probability

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Financial and Managerial Accounting

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Economics

[Click over the Course Title to view its details resources]

 1. Professional Ethics and Industrial Management