B u i l d Y o u r s e l f & H e l p O t h e r s

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 Other Names of this Course / Subject 
Computer Architecture

Information representation; Measuring performance; Instructions and data access methods: operations and operands of computer hardware, representing instruction, addressing styles; Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) operations, floating point operations, designing ALU; Processor design: datapaths â€" single cycle and multicycle implementations; Control Unit design - hardware and microprogrammed; Hazards; Exceptions; Pipeline: pipelined datapath and control, superscalar and dynamic pipelining; Memory organization: cache, virtual memory, channels; DMA and Interrupts; Buses; Multiprocessors: types of multiprocessors, performance, single bus multiprocessors, multiprocessors connected by network, clusters.

> Computer Architecture and Organization (Designing for Performance)
William Stallings [10th Edition]
Provided By: Syfuddin Naeem (CSE 6th BU)

> Computer Organization and Architecture (Designing for Performance)
William Stallings [8th Edition]
Provided By: Jarin Tasnim (CSE 6th BU)

> Solution Manual of Computer Architecture and Organization (Designing for Performance)
William Stallings [10th Edition]
Provided By: Syfuddin Naeem (CSE 6th BU)

 Lecture Slides 


(According to Barishal University)

> 2018-19 (6th Batch)

 Questions of Previous Years 


(According to Barishal University)

> 1st Mid: 17-18 (5th Batch)

> 2nd Mid: 

> Semester Final: 17-18 (5th Batch)


(According to Barishal University)

Hand Note

Made By: Intifa Aman Taifa [5th Batch]

 Topicwise Questions 
Sorry! Topicwise Questions for this course are not available now. We'll try to add it later.